Monthly Archive: August 2014

Hot Shredded Beef Dip

The other day, my husband was craving beef stroganoff.  This is one of his specialty dishes and when he wants it, I turn the kitchen over to him. On this day, we did not have all the pantry items he…
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I am an analytical detail person with a predominantly photographic memory, which means my mind is constantly busy taking in almost every detail I encounter, consciously and sub-consciously, analyzing it and storing it for future use. It’s exhausting. Sometimes when…
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Stayin’ in Touch

Happy Friday! My horizons are definitely expanding lately through my journey reaching out to the world through technology. It is, as any new endeavor, a humbling experience as I realize how much I have to learn about blogging and social…
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Italian Chicken Salad

My family likes salads and we are always looking for new variations of the traditional lettuce salad. The other day, I came across some recipes on Pinterest for homemade Olive Garden salad dressing. We are big fans of Olive Garden…
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The Restored Heart

I have historically made very bad choices in relationships with men. From my place of woundedness, I sought to fill the hurt, empty places in my heart with relationships. My early walk with the Lord was more like an intense…
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Thyme in a Box

This spring I planted a few herbs in our garden. Most of the garden is done producing for the year and we are relocating it for next year so I want to dig up some of the herbs and move…
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Pampering Your Soul

I’m fairly sure you are familiar with the legendary “Proverbs 31” woman……I am also fairly sure all Christian women aspire to be like her. Did you ever notice, however that her physical appearance is not mentioned other than “she is…
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