Monthly Archive: November 2014

Chicken Corn Chowder

chicken corn chowder

Soup, I would venture to say, is the ultimate comfort food. It comforts us when we are cold, tired or ill. It comes in so many varieties and flavors – it is universal. I can’t think of a culture that…
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Daughters and Horses

daughter and horse

Many years ago, I came across this piece. I don’t think I have ever known the author’s name, (so if you do know, please let me know). I love this and have shared it many times over the years. For…
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Unfailing Love

love never fails children and horse

I’m a problem-solver, a fixer, a mender-of-all-things-broken. It makes little difference to me if it’s person, place or thing. If all is not well, everything in me yearns to facilitate restoration. For many years, it made little difference to me…
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