
Not Just For A Season

Deck the Halls lyrics

Joy to the world, peace on earth, ’tis the season to be jolly, goodwill to men …… this is the time of year that we hear these lines sung on our radio stations and piped into stores, malls and restaurants,…
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Daughters and Horses

daughter and horse

Many years ago, I came across this piece. I don’t think I have ever known the author’s name, (so if you do know, please let me know). I love this and have shared it many times over the years. For…
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Unfailing Love

love never fails children and horse

I’m a problem-solver, a fixer, a mender-of-all-things-broken. It makes little difference to me if it’s person, place or thing. If all is not well, everything in me yearns to facilitate restoration. For many years, it made little difference to me…
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Battle in the Garden

battle in the garden

Music is and always has been a very important aspect of my life. I began banging on the piano before I could hold myself up. We had family sing-a-longs around that piano throughout my childhood.  I sang in choirs at…
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Potluck for the Soul

One of the best things about growing up in the farming Midwest was the carry-in meals, aka ‘potluck dinners’. Carry-ins at church, after funerals, before bowling, for sports banquets, for new mothers, family reunions – just about every occasion was…
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I am an analytical detail person with a predominantly photographic memory, which means my mind is constantly busy taking in almost every detail I encounter, consciously and sub-consciously, analyzing it and storing it for future use. It’s exhausting. Sometimes when…
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The Restored Heart

I have historically made very bad choices in relationships with men. From my place of woundedness, I sought to fill the hurt, empty places in my heart with relationships. My early walk with the Lord was more like an intense…
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Pampering Your Soul

I’m fairly sure you are familiar with the legendary “Proverbs 31” woman……I am also fairly sure all Christian women aspire to be like her. Did you ever notice, however that her physical appearance is not mentioned other than “she is…
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